Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fancy Birthday Cake -- Recipe 5

For my 5th recipe, I made a birthday cake for my mother.

I made a chocolate cake using generic cake mix, and I baked it in a 13 by 9 inch pan.

I used vanilla buttercream to frost the cake.

Here are my cake ingredients:

The first layer of my cake was the icing:

The next thing I did was build a small house out of graham crackers.

(That's Han Solo in carbonate made of chocolate, just as an fyi.)

Then, I made a path out of Neccos, which are thin wafer candies:

At this point, there was frosting and candy everywhere, so I didn't get anymore pictures until I finished. 

The next thing I did, however was make a pond. I dyed some of the frosting blue, and then made a small circle off to the side of the cake. I surrounded the "pond" with brown M&Ms and then put blue candy sprinkles onto that area.

Then, I crushed green M&Ms. I put them (as well as green sugar sprinkles) onto the green part of the cake, as I missed the pond a little and got blue sprinkles everywhere.

After that, I made a clothes line using a piece of a pull-n-peel Twizzler and two toothpicks.

Then, I made a well, starting with a base of Neccos, and then adding a quartered double stuff Oreo without the cream for extra support. I then put graham crackers on the top to look like wood. I added two toothpicks on opposite sides of the well and put a piece of a pull-n-peel Twizzler for the string that supports the "bucket" that is commonly found in wells. I filled the well with blue M&Ms and blue sprinkles to represent water.

Lastly, I added a few more decorations until I was satisfied with the way it looked. I out two "4" candles on toothpicks and put them into the cake.

This is the link to a short video of the cake. (It may be sideways. I apologize.)

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